Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Making Easter Easy for Everyone

Easter can be a lot of fun for the whole family - dying eggs, creating baskets, Easter egg hunts, and we can't forget about all the tasty treats! But do you have your pet in mind while enjoying this holiday? There are many things commonly used during Easter that can be toxic and harmful to your dog or cat if left unnoticed. Many of us have experienced firsthand just how curious our pets can be - getting into, tearing up, and possibly ingesting things that are not meant for them. It is important to keep certain products out of reach of your pet or ultimately replacing these products to make things safer and easier for everyone!

Easter Grass
The fake grass often used in Easter baskets can be irresistible for your dog or cat to nibble on. If ingested, this can cause many digestive problems for your pet. It is best to replace the grass with tissue paper or just be sure to keep it out of reach of your pet!

                                                                                    Easter Lilies
Lilies can be a beautiful and
decorative piece for your home, but are very dangerous to cats. Many types of lilies can be potentially fatal if consumed by your cat - including the Easter lily. Small ingestion of 2 - 3 petals, the pollen, or even water from the vase can all be harmful for your cat or kitten. Symptoms include tissue irritation in the mouth, drooling, foaming, pawing at the mouth, and vomiting. Bring your cat to your vet immediately if you see them eat any part of the lily or show these signs as it can potentially be a life threatening situation.

Plastic Eggs
Many things can be mistaken for a toy or treat in a dogs eyes and we must stay aware of this when celebrating Easter. Plastic eggs can be easily chewed up or swallowed and cause a whole mess of problems for you and your dog. During Easter egg hunts, be sure to keep track of all plastic eggs if your dog is enjoying the event with you, or better yet separate them and give them a bone or treats of their own to enjoy!

Dying Real Eggs
As for real eggs - these are safe and healthy for your dog to enjoy when hard boiled. Give your pup some eggs of their own to enjoy while you and your family have fun dying more! As with any food or treat, be sure not over feed them too many eggs and use peeled, hard-boiled eggs that you haven't dyed (although most dyes are non-toxic).

One of the more obvious harms of Easter for pets are all the chocolates and candies enjoyed by their human companions. Too much chocolate, sugar, and xylitol (sweetener) are toxic to dogs and can many digestive problems. It is important to avoid letting your pet have any of this and keep products that contain these ingredients out of reach.

Remember to enjoy the holidays and help your pet do the same!

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