Tick Season
Welcome back tick season! As we enjoy all this warm, fresh weather, ticks (and fleas) are just waiting for the right opportunity to find a new home, preferably on our 4 legged pets. Even with prevention, sometimes ticks will still find a way into our pets fur - if not to latch onto them, then to hitch a ride onto a better suited host. In this post we will discuss what ticks are & where they hide, proper removal, and what you should know about Lyme disease.
Ticks are external parasites that feed on the blood of their host. There are many sub species of ticks, the one we need to worry about is the Deer Tick (left) which spreads the bacteria to cause Lyme disease. Common ticks to find on dogs are the American Dog Tick, Brown Dog Tick, and Deer Tick. The Dog Ticks are generally found in areas with little or no tree cover, such as a grassy field while the Deer Ticks are found mostly in deciduous forests. (tick species)
It is so very important to check your pets over after every walk in the park, the woods, or just playing outside. They will hide and embed down in the skin so a thorough look through & brushing will help you rid your pet of any lingering pests. They typically latch onto the warmest part of the body - prime spots are the head, neck, ears, groin, in between toes, eyelids, and underneath collars. (where to look)
What to do when you find a tick attached? Have tweezers readily available and part the dogs hair around the tick to expose it fully. Grab the tick at the base of it's head, at the skin as you want to remove all of the tick including what has embedded into the skin. Once you have a hold of the tick, gently pull upward gradually applying pressure to cause the tick to release. Clean the bite and dispose of the tick by killing it in alcohol or flushing down the toilet. (removal)
As mentioned earlier, Deer Ticks carry a bacteria which causes Lyme Disease. When your pet is bitten, the bacteria can be transferred to them, usually after the tick has been attached for 36 to 48 hours. Symptoms to look out for are stiff walk, sensitivity to touch, redness & swelling around the bite area, difficulty breathing, fever, lack of appetite, depression, and swollen lymph nodes. Dogs who develop Lyme Disease may experience lameness due to inflammation in the joints. This can last a few days and show up again weeks later. If you are concerned if your pet could have been affected, contact your Veterinarian. (lyme disease)
As we enjoy the season, the beautiful weather, and being outside, we must be aware of what else is out enjoying the weather too! With the many species of ticks and the bacteria they carry, be sure to educate yourself on which ones pose a danger to your pets and yourself. We have included links for more information, but as always, consult your Veterinarian for more information.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Tips from the Trainer
Trainer: Katie
a few tips on positive training
Learn to
recognize signs of discomfort in your dog when coming into contact with new
dogs, people, other animals or strange objects. Respect their decision to
decline that interaction. Forcing them into a situation they’re uncomfortable
with will teach them that they cannot trust you to keep them safe. This can
lead to them acting out in problematic ways in the future. Try to encourage a
positive association with whatever it is they’re afraid of. One way to achieve
this is by keeping them at a safe distance and rewarding them (with treats
and/or praise) for looking at that other dog/person/etc. and staying calm and
a few tips on positive training
Listen to your dog

Use a reward that truly motivates your dog
Some dogs work
best when treats are involved. Like us, they’re all different and have
preferences when it comes to food. Many prefer soft and chewy treats over hard
and crunchy ones. Figure out which treats your dog REALLY loves and use those
for training important commands like “stay” and “come”. There are other ways to
reward your dog, though! Using physical and/or verbal praise is very valuable
for training. You can also use toys or play time as a reward. Anything that
makes your dog happy can be used to reinforce good behavior!
Use guidance, praise, and correction
Imagine you’re
in a car and your friend is doing the navigating, but they won’t tell you where
exactly to turn—they’re just yelling at you when you make the wrong one. This
is obviously not the best way to get to your destination… it would take forever
to get there, and you’d both become frustrated pretty quickly! The same is true
when teaching your dog a new command. You need to give as much information as
possible and set them up for success. For example, when teaching a command like
“sit”, gently guide them into the sitting position and give praise (even though
you did all the work). With your patience and guidance, eventually they will
figure out what you want from them. When you’re sure they understand it, you
can then use corrections for not doing it when asked.
Be generous with your affection
Praise your
dog for every tiny success or display of good behavior to let him know he’s on
the right track. For example, if you have a dog that’s very hyper and you
notice he’s having a calm, relaxed moment; give him a treat to let him know
he’s being a good boy. This will encourage him to repeat whatever it was he was
doing when you rewarded him.
Please visit our website or call us today
for information on our training programs & classes!
phone: (614) 855-4800
Tips from a Groomer
Groomer: Meghan
a Spring tip from one of our groomers
With the weather warming up (a few days here and there in Ohio😉) pets are getting spring fever! Meaning more walks, trips to the park, or just playing in the great outdoors! Make sure that your pet not only has proper identification and something reflective on them during walks and play outside, but be sure to check them over daily.
Notice any new lumps or bumps? Many pets will be picking up seeds, burs, and other plant life looking for a free ride to a new location. If you find anything (and even if you don't) make sure you are brushing them out. Leaving burs and other plant life can cause matting and general discomfort to your pet. If it's a large bur you can slather it in Crisco (or another oil) and use a comb to work it out of the fur. Large burs can be crushed with pliers and then worked out easier.
Or give us a call today to set up a groom appointment,
a Spring tip from one of our groomers

Notice any new lumps or bumps? Many pets will be picking up seeds, burs, and other plant life looking for a free ride to a new location. If you find anything (and even if you don't) make sure you are brushing them out. Leaving burs and other plant life can cause matting and general discomfort to your pet. If it's a large bur you can slather it in Crisco (or another oil) and use a comb to work it out of the fur. Large burs can be crushed with pliers and then worked out easier.
Or give us a call today to set up a groom appointment,
we will gladly de-bur your furry family member!
phone: (614) 855-4800
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Peeps for your Pup
Your pup deserves some Easter treats just as much as their human companions, so why not create your own! Here's a quick and easy recipe for imitation peeps that are safe for dog to consume.
1. Mix 1/2 cup water and gelatin in a mixing bowl
2. Put honey, 1/2 cup water, vanilla, and salt in sauce pan. Heat, mixing constantly, for 6 -10 mins (must be 240 °F)3. Combine with gelatin mixture, mixing on high until you have a fluffy consistency (about 10 mins)4. Spray your mold to prevent sticking (use anything you want, peep or treat molds will create a fun shape!)
5. Spoon mixture into a pastry bag to make filling the mold easier
6. Let set for atleast 4 - 5 hours
7. They will still be sticky, so coat with coconut flour and they are ready to enjoy!
- 3 tbsp plain, unflavored gelatin
- 1 cup honey
- 1 cup water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp salt
- coconut flour for dusting
1. Mix 1/2 cup water and gelatin in a mixing bowl
2. Put honey, 1/2 cup water, vanilla, and salt in sauce pan. Heat, mixing constantly, for 6 -10 mins (must be 240 °F)3. Combine with gelatin mixture, mixing on high until you have a fluffy consistency (about 10 mins)4. Spray your mold to prevent sticking (use anything you want, peep or treat molds will create a fun shape!)
5. Spoon mixture into a pastry bag to make filling the mold easier
6. Let set for atleast 4 - 5 hours
7. They will still be sticky, so coat with coconut flour and they are ready to enjoy!
Making Easter Easy for Everyone
Easter can be a lot of fun for the whole family - dying eggs, creating baskets, Easter egg hunts, and we can't forget about all the tasty treats! But do you have your pet in mind while enjoying this holiday? There are many things commonly used during Easter that can be toxic and harmful to your dog or cat if left unnoticed. Many of us have experienced firsthand just how curious our pets can be - getting into, tearing up, and possibly ingesting things that are not meant for them. It is important to keep certain products out of reach of your pet or ultimately replacing these products to make things safer and easier for everyone!
Easter Grass
The fake grass often used in Easter baskets can be irresistible for your dog or cat to nibble on. If ingested, this can cause many digestive problems for your pet. It is best to replace the grass with tissue paper or just be sure to keep it out of reach of your pet!
Easter Lilies
Lilies can be a beautiful and
decorative piece for your home, but are very dangerous to cats. Many types of lilies can be potentially fatal if consumed by your cat - including the Easter lily. Small ingestion of 2 - 3 petals, the pollen, or even water from the vase can all be harmful for your cat or kitten. Symptoms include tissue irritation in the mouth, drooling, foaming, pawing at the mouth, and vomiting. Bring your cat to your vet immediately if you see them eat any part of the lily or show these signs as it can potentially be a life threatening situation.
Plastic Eggs
Many things can be mistaken for a toy or treat in a dogs eyes and we must stay aware of this when celebrating Easter. Plastic eggs can be easily chewed up or swallowed and cause a whole mess of problems for you and your dog. During Easter egg hunts, be sure to keep track of all plastic eggs if your dog is enjoying the event with you, or better yet separate them and give them a bone or treats of their own to enjoy!
Dying Real Eggs
As for real eggs - these are safe and healthy for your dog to enjoy when hard boiled. Give your pup some eggs of their own to enjoy while you and your family have fun dying more! As with any food or treat, be sure not over feed them too many eggs and use peeled, hard-boiled eggs that you haven't dyed (although most dyes are non-toxic).
One of the more obvious harms of Easter for pets are all the chocolates and candies enjoyed by their human companions. Too much chocolate, sugar, and xylitol (sweetener) are toxic to dogs and can many digestive problems. It is important to avoid letting your pet have any of this and keep products that contain these ingredients out of reach.
Easter Grass
The fake grass often used in Easter baskets can be irresistible for your dog or cat to nibble on. If ingested, this can cause many digestive problems for your pet. It is best to replace the grass with tissue paper or just be sure to keep it out of reach of your pet!
Easter Lilies

decorative piece for your home, but are very dangerous to cats. Many types of lilies can be potentially fatal if consumed by your cat - including the Easter lily. Small ingestion of 2 - 3 petals, the pollen, or even water from the vase can all be harmful for your cat or kitten. Symptoms include tissue irritation in the mouth, drooling, foaming, pawing at the mouth, and vomiting. Bring your cat to your vet immediately if you see them eat any part of the lily or show these signs as it can potentially be a life threatening situation.
Plastic Eggs
Many things can be mistaken for a toy or treat in a dogs eyes and we must stay aware of this when celebrating Easter. Plastic eggs can be easily chewed up or swallowed and cause a whole mess of problems for you and your dog. During Easter egg hunts, be sure to keep track of all plastic eggs if your dog is enjoying the event with you, or better yet separate them and give them a bone or treats of their own to enjoy!

Dying Real Eggs
As for real eggs - these are safe and healthy for your dog to enjoy when hard boiled. Give your pup some eggs of their own to enjoy while you and your family have fun dying more! As with any food or treat, be sure not over feed them too many eggs and use peeled, hard-boiled eggs that you haven't dyed (although most dyes are non-toxic).
One of the more obvious harms of Easter for pets are all the chocolates and candies enjoyed by their human companions. Too much chocolate, sugar, and xylitol (sweetener) are toxic to dogs and can many digestive problems. It is important to avoid letting your pet have any of this and keep products that contain these ingredients out of reach.
Remember to enjoy the holidays and help your pet do the same!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Tips from the Trainer
Trainer: Katie
a helpful tip to keep your pup trained
Be consistent! Whenever you're training your dog, it's important to get as many family members involved as possible to keep everyone on the same page. Make sure you're always using the same words and hand signals when giving a command. Don't just correct an unwanted behavior one day, and ignore it (or accidentally reinforce it) the next! Training is something that needs to be practiced every single day. Consistency will be the key to you and your pups success as well as bring you closer together. Call us today to learn more or set up a training consult with Katie!
a helpful tip to keep your pup trained
Be consistent! Whenever you're training your dog, it's important to get as many family members involved as possible to keep everyone on the same page. Make sure you're always using the same words and hand signals when giving a command. Don't just correct an unwanted behavior one day, and ignore it (or accidentally reinforce it) the next! Training is something that needs to be practiced every single day. Consistency will be the key to you and your pups success as well as bring you closer together. Call us today to learn more or set up a training consult with Katie!
Tips from a Groomer
Groomer: Meghan
a winter tip from one of our groomers
This time of year it's tempting to let your pets hair grow out in the hopes of keeping them warmer. However, unless you are brushing all the way from the base of the coat (at the skin) all the way out regularly, your fur baby can develop mats. These tangles
and mats will prevent the coat from doing its job and actually make your dog colder (not to mention how uncomfortable it is for your pet😞)! That is why grooming in the winter is vital. By removing the tangled and dead coat your pet will be much more comfortable in this weather. Call us today to schedule your groom appointment!
a winter tip from one of our groomers

and mats will prevent the coat from doing its job and actually make your dog colder (not to mention how uncomfortable it is for your pet😞)! That is why grooming in the winter is vital. By removing the tangled and dead coat your pet will be much more comfortable in this weather. Call us today to schedule your groom appointment!
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